Part of good pacifier hygiene is frequent cleaning of the pacifiers. The younger the child, the more important it is to protect it from bacteria and maintain good pacifier hygiene.

Before first use

Remember to sterilize the pacifiers when you take them out of the packaging! This is done by putting the pacifiers in plenty of boiling water for 5 minutes. This only applies before first use. 

After first use: Sterilization by scalding

This is the method we recommend for cleaning pacifiers subsequently:

  • Put the pacifiers in a clean bowl. Pour boiling water over the pacifiers.
  • Let the pacifiers soak for approx. 5 min.
  • Pick them up and let them dry on a clean towel.

This method is gentle, but still gets rid of bacteria without compromising the durability of the pacifier. We only recommend boiling the pacifiers before the first use - not subsequent cleaning. Pacifiers are not meant to be boiled repeatedly and can be destroyed by continual exposure to high heat. Instead, follow the instructions above. 

If you experience water in the nipple

After cleaning it is not unusual that water remains in the nipple. This is because all our pacifier nipples are equipped with a valve, letting out air when the baby closes down on the nipple. This ventilation system causes the air from inside the nipple to be pushed out through the valve thereby flattening the nipple to shape naturally after the baby's oral cavity. The valve is also the reason why water can be present inside the nipple after cleaning and sterilization. If this is the case, simply just squeeze the nipple flat to press out the excess water. If water drops remain in the nipple, just let the pacifier air-dry.

Sterilizing pacifiers in the pacifier box

BIBS Pacifier Box is a multiple-functional product, that not only can be used for storing pacifiers and snacks when you are on the go but also as a sterilizer box.

You can sterilize pacifiers in the pacifier box the same way as in a bowl, using boiling water.

  • Take out the insert and put the pacifier in the pacifier box.
  • Pour boiling water over the pacifier, and make sure the nipple is submerged in the water.
  • Let the pacifier soak for approx. 5 min.
  • Pick it up and let it dry on a clean towel.
  • If water remains in the nipple, simply just squeeze the nipple flat to press out the excess water
  • Put the insert in after sterilization to preserve the pacifier box's form

How often should I clean the pacifiers?

Part of good pacifier hygiene is frequent cleaning of the pacifiers. The younger the child, the more important it is to protect it from bacteria and maintain good pacifier hygiene. This is mainly because small children’s immune system has not yet managed to get acquainted with all the different bacteria, and therefore it will not have learned to “defend” against them yet. 

You should sterilize your baby’s pacifiers regularly, but don’t overdo it. Sterilization can be harsh on pacifiers, depending on the method. Our general recommendation is to scald the pacifiers once a day.

How often should I replace the pacifier?

We recommend a replacement of pacifiers every 4-6 weeks for both safety and hygienic reasons. Keep an eye out for any changes in the surface, changes in size and shape, or rupture in the material, and replace the pacifier if you notice any differences. Pull the nipple in all directions and inspect it carefully before use and replace the pacifier at the first sign of damage or weakness.

Natural rubber latex is a natural material and is affected by sunlight, high temperatures, moisture and saliva which accelerates the aging process of the latex material. Whenever you experience a change in the material the pacifier must be replaced.

An enlarged pacifier nipple indicates that the nipple has been in use for too long, and it must be replaced immediately. 

Babyluv Studio