
In our blog, you will find support and answers to various questions about children and parenting, as well as just entertaining reading and daily inspiration. We write and share because it allows us to make your life as a parent a little bit easier at every step. And that is our goal. Let us inspire and guide you!

Pregnant women with Najell pregnancy pillow

The most common pregnancy symptoms: what to expect

Pregnancy brings about incredible changes - some expected, others surprising. While every pregnancy is unique, many symptoms are widely shared among expecting parents. If you're wondering whether what you're experiencing...
Babyluv Studio
I'm Pregnant, Now What? Your Complete Pregnancy Guide

I'm Pregnant, Now What? Your Complete Pregnancy Guide

Congratulations! You’re stepping into a whole new chapter, one that’s exciting, life-changing, and full of questions. This guide offers practical insights to help you navigate each stage of pregnancy, helping...
Babyluv Studio
Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Baby

Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Baby

If you're hoping to start breastfeeding your baby, learning some essential technique and tools, can help you navigate this new journey — one that may be unfamiliar, occasionally uncomfortable, and...
Babyluv Studio
Babyluv Mom Collection nursing breastfeeding

15 Common Breastfeeding Challenges and How to Overcome Them

This blog post provides a thorough overview of the main challenges encountered during breastfeeding and practical solutions. Here, you'll find useful information for both your and your baby's comfort. Latch...
Babyluv Studio
Breastfeeding while pumping

Breastfeeding and Pumping: Why and How to Combine them

Breastfeeding and pumping can feel like two separate worlds, but many moms either choose or need to combine both to meet their unique needs. Whether it’s for creating a backup...
Babyluv Studio
Paced bottle feeding method

Guide to paced bottle-feeding

If you want to bottle-feed your baby – either with formula or your own expressed breastmilk – this is the guide for you. What is paced bottle-feeding? Paced bottle feeding...
Babyluv Studio
Choosing the Best Baby Bottle

Choosing the Best Baby Bottle

Choosing the right baby bottle can feel overwhelming with so many options available. Whether you’re breastfeeding, formula-feeding, or doing a mix of both, finding the right baby bottle can make...
Babyluv Studio
Linkage between bottle nipple and pacifier nipple to avoid nipple confusion

What is nipple confusion and how to avoid it

The term ‘nipple confusion’ (or ‘nipple preference’) describes a baby’s frustration when switching between the breast and a baby bottle or pacifier. Read on for some tips to help your...
Babyluv Studio
BIBS botte feeding bonding

Can bottle feeding be as bonding as breastfeeding?

WHO states that breastmilk is the ideal food for infants and recommends that children are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life. If breastfeeding is successful, it is...
Babyluv Studio
Hospital bag checklist by Babyluv Studio

Preparing for Baby's Arrival: A Hospital Bag Checklist

To feel more prepared and calm, pack your hospital bag well before your due date - ideally, between weeks 32 and 35. While you may have the chance to pack...
Babyluv Studio
Newborn Essentials - A Complete Guide for New Parents

Newborn Essentials - A Complete Guide for New Parents

Navigating the world of baby essentials can be overwhelming, especially for first-time parents. We have gathered here products that might be needed during the first weeks/months with a newborn. You...
Babyluv Studio
Cara pregnancy app

CARÁ - Elevate your pregnancy experience with a unique pregnancy app

babyThe CARÁ app is designed for your unique pregnancy journey, offering a holistic approach with an app, services, and a community — so you can find everything you need in...
Babyluv Studio