How to potty train your toddler? This is one of those questions for which there is more than one correct answer. There are many methods that work, but since children are different and require an individual approach, not all techniques may work for every child. Although we expect quick results, training a child to be diaper-free is often a years-long process. Therefore, reaching the desired result may require a certain amount of patience and experimentation. In this article, we will bring you the most common methods for potty training a baby and toddler.
When to start potty training: signs of readiness
Before starting potty training, make sure that your little one is ready for it. Although as parents we expect the child to go to the potty independently by the age of three, we have to take the child's development and physical characteristics into account. In general, the child is ready to become diaper-free when you notice that he can already control his bladder and pees less often, or the diapers make him uncomfortable and he lets you know every time they are wet or there is a need to poop or pee. These signs show that the child's awareness of how his body works has significantly developed and he is mentally ready to give up diapers. Also, the ability to dress by himself and hold short conversations on various topics make the process easier. Always start potty training by talking to your child about it and constantly pointing to the potty. Just like brushing your teeth, potty training also needs daily reminders, encouragement, and a good example to form a habit.
Preparing your child for potty training
One of the most popular first steps on the path to diaper freedom is special potty training pants. They are improved with a waterproof layer and absorbent content hidden inside, which prevent leakage, but do not replace diapers. The child quickly feels the so-called wet feeling effect, which creates discomfort that can be motivating to use the potty. In addition, it is easy for the child to pull these pants up and down when there is a need to react quickly.
If you can't or choose not to use special potty training pants, you can teach your child to go to the potty without them too. A good way to get your child to start going to the potty is by allowing him to go pants-free at home. If the underpants are not on, the child will have a better sense of when it's time to go to the potty. In this case, he does not need outside help when taking off his pants. Of course, you have to take into account the accidents that may happen while naked, but then again, he remembers to go potty faster the next time.
Introducing the potty
The potty itself also plays an important role in getting the child on the potty. If the potty is comfortable and in the right size for the child, the child will sit there more willingly. Our personal favorite is the Quax Ergonomical Potty, which creates the correct sitting position for a toddler and thus promotes potty training. What makes the Quax potty special is its higher-than-usual backrest, which perfectly supports the child's posture. In addition, the removable inner pot makes it comfortable for parents to wash the pot, and the anti-slip protection adds safety. They truly have thought about everything when designing this potty, because in addition to a safe and ergonomic seat, it also looks gorgeous!
Although it may not seem that way during the process, in reality, the dream of training your toddler diaper-free is not impossible. All kids can do it. Yes, some get into the habit faster and it is easier for them than the others, but this is not the place to compare your child with others. As a parent, it is important not to give up and get frustrated but to keep believing in your child's ability to learn. The results will come quickly if you talk to your child about using the potty and remind him often, allow him enough time without pants and buy a comfortable potty. Good luck to you and your little one, you can do it!