We are so happy to announce that Babyluv is now a part of a charity foundation whose mission is to make children's dreams come true.
SA Charity Foundation Minu Unistuste Päev makes the dreams of severely or chronically ill children come true. This project is part of the treatment process and provides emotional support to the children and their families.

The founder of Babyluv, Carina Vantsi is a former foundation volunteer. So the idea to offer Babyluv customers the opportunity to donate to Minu Unistuste Päev came from personal experience. Carina has seen the value it gives to the children and families participating in it. It gives us the greatest joy that now we can help children's dreams come true together!
How can you contribute?
In the online store: When paying for the shopping cart, choose the % of the purchase amount that you want to donate.
In our shop in Põhjala tehas: Put your donation in the donation box at the checkout.
At the end of the year, we will gather donations from both stores, and Babyluv will make a donation to the foundation Minu Unistuste Päev. This is a super easy and nice way for all of us to make the dream of some severely or chronically ill children come true.
We are so happy that you have already noticed the donation option and are using it. Thank you so much for doing this with us!
Original source: The official press release